October 30, 2020

Urgent improvements needed as remote hearings isolate the most vulnerable

Urgent improvments needed as remote hearings isolate the most vulnerable

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Articles relating to Court

August 25, 2017

Why naming and shaming adulterers is a great leap backwards

March 3, 2017

Energy trader’s divorce reignites fair settlements debate

January 27, 2017

I’ve heard representing myself in court could be more costly?

September 28, 2016

Media frenzy over ‘Brangelina’ divorce: how to guarantee your privacy

April 15, 2016

Why judges’ pre-nups guidelines need putting into context

April 2, 2015

Why £2m divorce battle puts post-nups in spotlight

March 27, 2015

No ‘meal ticket’ – making a fair deal palatable in spousal maintenance

March 13, 2015

Rags to riches – delayed divorce payout ruling is cautionary tale

August 1, 2014

What to do when your ex stops child maintenance

May 16, 2014

How prenups can help couples protect their assets

January 31, 2014

Why £25 online pre-nups could cost couples dearly

November 29, 2013

Divorce options: poll reveals public misconception about alternatives to court

October 25, 2013

Information campaign vital as millions in public funding for mediation lies unspent

March 15, 2013

Why one size does not fill all with mediation