July 1, 2024

Why child-inclusive mediation matters for children  

Jones Myers Family Law Mediator and Child-Inclusive Mediator, Nicki Mitchell, shares the positive aspects of child-inclusive mediation for parents and their children

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Articles relating to Children

June 21, 2024

Jones Myers celebrates Best Lawyers in United Kingdom™ honour   

May 24, 2024

Have you seen our new website for key insights on family law?

May 16, 2024

Child Arrangement Orders: All you need to know  

April 18, 2024

Parental alienation is toxic: how to spot the signs   

March 6, 2024

Actions to take if a Financial Consent Order is ignored

February 20, 2024

All you need to know about Financial Consent Orders

January 26, 2024

Taking the ‘living together’ leap : what advice should you seek?   

December 14, 2023

Santa comes twice – a festive solution for separated parents

October 30, 2023

New city centre headquarters for Jones Myers

September 29, 2023

Family Court Crisis affects children’s wellbeing: Is there a solution?   

September 14, 2023

Qualification celebration is the icing on the cake!

September 5, 2023

Jones Myers recommended by peers for UK ‘Best Lawyers’      

August 29, 2023

Separate ways : the different outcomes for married and unmarried couples 

April 26, 2023

I’m divorcing – am I eligible for free mediation sessions? 

March 29, 2023

How would compulsory mediation protect children from courtroom conflict?  

March 3, 2023

Our partner ‘Lawyer of the Year’ in Northern Powerhouse Awards