May 16, 2024

Child Arrangement Orders: All you need to know  

Jones Myers Family Law shares key insights on the importance of Child Arrangement Orders

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Articles relating to Child Arrangement Orders

June 1, 2022

Divorced? How to avoid meltdowns in school summer holidays

April 23, 2021

Can my ex take our children abroad despite the pandemic?

January 8, 2021

We’re separated – does the latest lockdown change our child arrangements?

December 29, 2020

Momentous milestone: our in-house Barrister celebrates 30-years

November 6, 2020

What are contact arrangements for children during national lockdown?

May 14, 2020

How our remote working is effectively supporting our clients

August 14, 2015

What the new Child Arrangements Orders mean for separating parents

June 12, 2015

Mum on run : desperate response to courts’ tougher stance?

May 30, 2014

Mental health concerns for children caught in the middle of divorce

May 6, 2014

Why the new Children and Families Act could do more harm than good

April 18, 2014

Are off the shelf divorces past their sell by dates?

March 21, 2014

How will new family laws determine children’s fate?