October 6, 2017

Dr Foster: a stark reminder why children should never be pawns in parents’ battles

Why children should never be pawns in parents’ divorce battles

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Articles relating to Children and Divorce

August 4, 2017

Should all judges compile a ‘Dear Sam’ letter when putting children’s interests first?

July 21, 2017

More child maintenance loopholes reinforce why family courts should rule on payments

June 23, 2017

How separated parents can take the heat out of summer holidays planning

May 19, 2017

Why collaborative law can prevent couples getting in a lather over litigation costs

March 31, 2017

We’ve boosted our children’s law expertise

August 27, 2014

Should you stay friends with your ex post divorce?

June 20, 2014

Why psychologist’s child damage claims are unhelfpul

February 10, 2012

How can we make contact work?